If you're looking for an open source internship, there’s still time to apply for Google Summer of Code 2023. The application period is open until April 4th (18:00 UTC).
Google Summer of Code (or GSoC), in case you’re not familiar with it, is “a global, online program focused on bringing new contributors into open source software development.” Through participation in the GSoC, contributors work on a particular programming project under the guidance of mentors.
This year’s program, which is open to open source beginners 18 years and older, includes the following changes:
Increased flexibility in project lengths (10-22 weeks, not a set 12 weeks for everyone).
Choice of project time commitment (medium at ~175 hours or large at ~350 hours)
Additionally, this year’s program includes 172 open source projects, including 18 organizations that are participating for the first time.
With so many organizations involved, listing them all is impractical, but here are a few highlights:
You can browse the whole list of participating organizations on the GSoC website. Also, be sure to check out the program rules, FAQ, and general advice for applying.
Google is not the only company that offers SoC-style programs, however. Other organizations also provide opportunities to learn and engage with open source projects and communities, including:
Check out the timelines, relevant rules, and codes of conduct for all these open source projects and SoC-style programs and make a plan to participate in open source.
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