Linux New Media
Write for Us!
We are always looking for new articles and new authors for Linux Magazine and FOSSlife . If you feel that a subject is important or needs a better explanation then we probably do as well. Writing about something you feel passionate about is always easier than writing about something that does not interest you.
Tutorials, reviews, overviews as well as case studies and news are always needed. If you are a member of a user group then why not tell us about it?
We can handle any type of submission but prefer email . Screenshots are always welcome. Try to give us some help by mentioning the subject in the header of the e-mail or letter.
General Guidance
Articles are usually about 800 words per page, although code listings and images will reduce this.
Because we sell in many countries and translate into other languages, try not to write in slang or use too many idioms. Try to plan ahead. By the time the magazine reaches your desk it has gone through...