We are Trufi Association e.V., named after minibuses in Bolivia. Our mission is to make informal transport and active transport more attractive and accessible in emerging cities and the megacities of tomorrow. We are an international NGO registered in Germany. We enable city authorities and local entrepreneurs to deploy a truly user-friendly multimodal journey planner app. We offer an open-source platform for localized multimodal journey planner apps that integrate official public transport, informal minibus routes and other transport systems such as taxis. Our Trufi app supports any language, even local dialects, and runs on Android and iOS. Our first Trufi app launched in Cochabamba (Bolivia) and it is now available in Accra (Ghana), Duitama (Colombia) and Addis Ababa (Ethiopia); pilots currently beta-run in Manila (Philippines), and in La Paz, El Alto and Tarija (all in Bolivia) - and many more cities are preparing for a launch.