Our Mission

80% of data generated has a location component, yet only 10% of spatial data is actually used by organizations.

Spatial analysis has traditionally been considered too complex for general use, making it largely disconnected from the business environment and limited to a niche community of GIS experts working in a silo. Now, with the growth of Data Science and every company wanting to become not only data-driven, but also spatially aware - we are entering an era of Spatial Data Science, where new users need new data to carry out new types of analysis.

Organizations are already facing a shortage of Data Science professionals in the market, and an even smaller percentage of them have expertise in spatial analysis. CARTO’s goal is to spatially enable every Data Scientist - making them more productive and impactful within their companies.

Team work makes the dream work here at CARTO - and our team (now more than 140 strong) includes some of the most talented people in our industry. We don’t just have the best engineers, sharpest UXers and champion marketers and sellers - we’ve also got world-class chess players, talented flamenco dancers, YouTubers, a rock band and a very flexible yogi (or two).